Yuqi Dynamics

Yuqi Group organizes a large-scale safety production inspection before the May Day holiday


The May Day holiday is approaching. In order to ensure the safety, order, and smoothness of passenger travel, on April 21st, Xu Xiaoyun, Secretary of the Party General Branch and General Manager of Yuqi Group, led a team to carry out a safety production inspection before the May Day holiday. Group Chief Safety Officer Li Sunbin and relevant department heads attended the inspection.

The inspection team went deep into important areas such as the waiting room of the passenger transportation center, the dangerous goods inspection office, the monitoring center, the tourism charter center, the routine inspection center, and the charging station, focusing on inspecting vehicle safety facilities and equipment, station safety management measures, road safety hazard investigation, and fire and electricity hazards in the office area.

During the inspection, Xu Xiaoyun repeatedly reminded that safety production is not a trivial matter. All relevant departments have clarified their responsibility measures for the problems found during the inspection, listed a list, conducted in-depth inspections, implemented rectification, and achieved closed-loop management. May is the season of spring and summer, with an increase in the flow of short distance tourism vehicles and people during holidays. We must make every effort to provide good service work and provide necessary road transportation safety guarantees for the safe travel of the general public.

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