Yuqi Dynamics

Yuqi Bus delivers watermelons to frontline employees to relieve summer heat and quench thirst


With the arrival of the dog days, this summer has been set to the "steaming and baking mode". The recent high temperatures have brought severe challenges to the production and operation of public transportation, especially for bus drivers who are fighting on the front line, making it difficult to withstand the scorching heat.

In order to fully implement the measures of caring for and caring for employees, further consolidate people's hearts and boost morale, Yuqi Bus actively provides heatstroke prevention and cooling measures for frontline drivers, and takes multiple measures to carry out the "Battle against High Temperature, Send Cool" activity. Company leaders and team leaders walk in carriages and enter the station, do a good job in high-temperature logistics support, and implement specific measures of caring for and caring for employees in the company's actions.

Since the beginning of summer, Yuqi Bus has provided first-line drivers with summer medicine to relieve and prevent heatstroke, and recently arranged to send watermelons to cool down and relieve the heat.

On July 25th, under the scorching sun, logistics personnel carefully selected watermelons and sent them to various bus stops to send coolness to frontline employees. "Eating watermelons, coming to eat watermelons, the company is here to send coolness to you..." At the Yuhuan Passenger Transport Center station, the captain Zhang Guangshun cut open the watermelons and shouted to the nearby drivers. "It's really sweet, thank you for the leadership's care!" The drivers who came to eat watermelons wave after wave, holding them in their hands with satisfied smiles on their faces. They expressed that they will turn the company's care and kindness into the motivation to do a good job and work hard.