Cultural Exhibition

2021-12th Corporate Culture Festival (Singing Red Songs Evening)

In order to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the founding of the CPC in Chongqing, Yuqi Group held the closing ceremony of the 12th Corporate Culture Festival and the red song party on the evening of October 28 with the theme of "giving gifts to the party's centennial dream of building a jade car together with one heart". Seven teams from all departments of the group and more than 200 employees on the scene expressed their loyalty to the party and their deep love for the motherland with beautiful and passionate songs.

Accompanied by lively and dynamic drumbeats, the Red Song Gala kicked off with the opening drum of Yuqi Twelve Band's "Rock on the New Long March Road". The branch team recited "My Motherland" and the group sang "My Chinese Heart"; The administrative team sang a chorus of "The Same Song" and "Without the Communist Party, there would be no New China"; The male voice group of the Changyun team sings "We Are Walking on the Main Road", and the female voice group sings "Red Star Song"; The industrial company team sang a chorus of "The Country" and "The Red Flag Flies"; The bus team sang a chorus of "Unity is Strength" and "Sing a Mountain Song to the Party"; The Sea Garden Team sang a chorus of "Entering a New Era" and "Tomorrow Will Be Better".

"The leader of carrying forward the past and opening up the future leads us into that new era, holding high the banner to create the future!".

Vocal praises are dedicated to the Party, with sincere songs praising the Party's kindness. Every passionate note is filled with deep blessings, and every beating heart is illuminated with colorful colors. Finally, the whole audience sings "Unforgettable Tonight" together. In the future, on the journey of the new era, all Yuqi people will never forget their original intention, forge ahead with full passion, work together to build the Yuqi Dream, and together wish my country and Yuqi a better tomorrow.