Cultural Exhibition

The 13th Corporate Culture Festival in 2022 (Yuqi Group Presents the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China Art Exhibition Online!)

The autumn scenery of Shenzhou is beautiful, and the earth is deeply grateful. To celebrate the successful convening of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China and draw strong strength from the red genes, Yuqi Group held an online art exhibition with the theme of "Striving for a New Era, Building Dreams, and Journey", leading employees to listen to the Party's words, feel the Party's kindness, and follow the Party, and offer practical actions as a tribute to the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China!

Books express aspirations, paintings convey emotions. This online exhibition showcases a total of 10 works by employees, each showcasing the author's sincere emotions and diverse forms, imbued with a love for the motherland and a longing for a better life in the new era.

With the help of artistic language, we express our deep feelings to the Party and the country. The employees of the group have expressed that they will take this exhibition as a new starting point, sail and break through the waves in the magnificent new journey of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, and present the fruitful results of the successful transformation of the enterprise to the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China!


行书 赵体《赤壁赋》   作者: 郑念昕


剪纸《玉汽博明天》   作者:王芬  

水彩画《红船  作者:王芬


十字绣《虾》  作者:张赛月


摄影《汽车的医生》   作者:吴前进


行楷《仿清帖随笔》  作者:郑念   


国画《山水间》   作者:胡爱发


十字绣《和》   作者: 张赛月


国画《花开盛世报喜讯》  作者:胡爱发